smartwatch apk是与索尼手表配套使用的智能手表app,用户可以在手机上进行手表的参数设置和调整,还可以进行亮度的调节,进行一些应用的下载,欢迎有需要的朋友到爱钻网下载使用!
Sony Smart Watch与Live View同样小巧可爱,除了背夹的样式,同样还可以连接表带作为手表使用。所不同的是宽大的背夹(几乎与背壳一样,没有像Live View那样采用镂空的金属背夹)并不可以拆卸,而是很方便的直接夹在表带上。Live View由于装上手表底座时,刚好将充电口挡住。导致用户在充电时不得不将底座拆卸。而此次发布的Smart Watch则优化了这部分设计,避免了因经常拆卸导致的后壳松动的现象。
This is the official application for the Sony SmartWatch. You must install this application to use the SmartWatch device. It allows you to search for new Android Market applications, change settings and enable/disable downloaded apps, change settings for built-in vibrating alert, set screen brightness and much more. Note: This application will not be shown in your phones application screen. access application settings via LiveWare manager, where you can also enable or disable this SmartWatch application.